This is a Tifton, Georgia group.

Back row standing left to right -
Dewayne Lovett - Drums; Joey Hall - Lead Guitar; Donnie Smith - Rhythm Guitar.
Front row kneeling left to right - Hayward Fowler - Bass; Bobby Hill - Keyboards.

There were some other members in the band - Duane Altman was the original drummer and Larry McBrayer was the bass player after Hayward went with the Lords of London.

They played from Green Bay, Wisconsin to Panama City, Florida as a club band. Played teen clubs all over the South and fronted several international bands including "The Animals". They drew more kids than anyone in Dalton, Georgia and Alexander City, Alabama.

"This picture was taken in the WWGS radio station on Highway 41 South where Short and Paulk is now. I came up with the name of the band "The Beethovens". The name was chosen from a song by Chuck Berry called "Roll Over Beethoven".

All the guys were about 16 years old and I was about 19. Life was grand..." - Hayward Fowler

They were managed by Robert Ritter.

The band had 3 records that are very valuable with collectors now. Records include: "Don't Call On Me" - T.A.G. 4000. Sells now to collectors at $750 - $1,000.

"Sets My Soul On Fire" and "She Don't Care" are later releases on TALOS and sell above a hundred apiece.

Lineup and commentary courtesy of Hayward Fowler 2005.

Photograph Courtesy of J. B. Stinchcomb, the owner of a home-cooking restaurant in a former Wishbone Chicken place in Tifton. Andy happened to notice the picture as he was leaving after having lunch there. Andy spoke to the owner and he gladly allowed him to borrow it, even though he didn't know Andy from Adam. The picture has been returned and we are all grateful to him for allowing us to catch this piece of music history!

ABAC Gym circa 1970


(pics courtesy Larry Butler)

Don't Call On Me

(Joey Hall)

pic and tune courtesy Carl Dixon

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